The Appointment Section offers a number of calendar driven tools that allow you to schedule and easily communicate client appointments. Appointments can be scheduled from either the "Monthly" or "Clinic" tabs. Here are the steps to book a recurring appointment.
To book a recurring appointment, begin as you would for booking a regular appointment on the clinic or monthly view tabs, and open the booking pop up by clicking on the practitioner name, the book appointment button, or on any given time slot.
In the resulting pop-up, click the “recurring” button. This will bring you to the recurring appointment screen.
Check to be sure you have the correct practitioner selected in the practitioner drop down menu on the right.
Next, click on “find patient” to locate the appropriate profile, or click “create new account” if you are booking in a new patient.
Select the desired date range using the two calendar buttons, to specify what period the appointment will reoccur over. (Use the > single-arrows near the top of the calendar to navigate between months if needed.)
Select what time the appointment will occur at.
Select a service from the service drop down.
Select the recurring method, either daily, weekly or monthly. Appointments can reoccur every (x) days, weeks, or months. (For example: If you wanted to book someone for every other Tuesday, you would put “2” in the box for every 2 weeks, and check the box for Tuesday. Whereas if you wanted them in every Monday and Friday, you would put “1” in the box and check both Monday and Friday.)
Note: Recurring appointments are not viewed as a series. Once booked, they have to be cancelled one at a time. Be careful when booking series. If you have created an incorrect series over a long period, contact mindZplay Support for assistance.
Once completed click the Check button verify the availability of each appointment in the series.
Review the appointment availability.
"No Conflict" indicates that there are no conflicts in the schedule for the adjacent date and time.
"Closed" next to a desired date within the series indicated that the clinic will not be open.
"Conflict" indicates there is a previous appointment or block in the schedule preventing that appointment from being booked.
Clicking on the Book button will enter only those appointments with no conflicts into the system, so you do not need to worry about double booking. Clicking the Book button to save the appointment bookings and notify the client.
Your client's appointments are now reserved for them and these time-slots will no longer be available for bookings. A confirmation email will be automatically sent to the client immediately upon booking and a reminder email will be sent to them 1 day prior to each of their appointments, unless these settings are changed on the appointment screen before clicking on book.