How to review & manage practitioner logs

How to review & manage practitioner logs

From time to time, you may wish to review or print out logs of your practitioner screenings and other sanitation related activities. This can be done using the following steps:

1. Go to Reports > Practitioner Log


2. Use the search settings to determine how many logs will be in your printout. You can filter by practitioner, log type, and date range.
Graphical user interface, application

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3. Once you have the date range and filter settings you want selected and click "find." This will bring up a list of all the logs that fit the selected criteria.
Graphical user interface, text, application

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4. When finished, click "Print." This will open up a file with all the logs in the search for you to print out.


Note: To print an individual log, simply click the "printer" icon beside the appropriate log. You can also view a log by clicking the screen icon beside it.