Setting up and using electronic intake forms
It is often convenient for both patient and practitioner to get intake forms filled out electronically ahead of time, prior to the appointment. This tutorial collects all the steps you need to configure, and send, electronic intake forms to your patients.
NOTE: COVID-19 intake forms are NOT loaded by default. You must follow the steps in the adding & managing forms tutorial in order to use them.
Before you can use electronic intake forms, you will first need to make sure you have the forms you wish to send active on your page:
Our tutorial for Adding & Managing Form Templates can help you with this.
Next, you will want to make sure that you have a form portal created:
Our tutorial for creating a Form Portal page will assist you with this.
Once you have these active, you should take some time to review how forms work:
We also have a tutorial for how to send intake forms via the patient profile area available here.
You will also want to know how to approve or finalize a pending form once patients begin filling them out:
We recommend reviewing our tutorial here for how to finalize a pending form.