How to manage system passwords
Sometimes, you may wish to change your password or the password for one of your practitioners. With so many accounts and passwords, sometimes a login can be forgotten. Particularly if you are used to storing it in your browser. For security, passwords in the system cannot be recovered. However, they can be reset. The following three tutorials cover how to change and manage your system passwords.
Note: When choosing a password, try to avoid using any part of your name, clinic name, or services. For example, “Massage01” may contain letters and numbers, but is still a bad password for a massage therapist. A better password should be either random letters and numbers, or one or two random words you will remember, as well as some letters or numbers. For example, “Appl3C4t!”
Changing your own password if you remember the old one:
If you know your password and simply wish to change it, this is easy.
First, go to Website Control > User Accounts
Click the pencil icon beside the account at the top, which will be the one you are presently logged into.
Next, click the “Change Password” button.
In the resulting pop-up, you will need to enter your old password once into the first box, then type the new password twice to ensure there are no misspelling.
When finished, click save.
Changing your password if you do not remember the old one:
First, go to your website and navigate to the login page.
Click on the words “Forgot your password”
Enter your username
If you have SMS enabled, you can use the delivery method drop down to decide whether you prefer to receive your reset code by e-mail or by SMS.
Next, click SUBMIT.
On the resulting page there will be a box for you to enter your reset code. Check your phone or e-mail (depending on whether you selected e-mail or SMS) for a message containing the reset code and enter that in the box. When you hit submit, you will be prompted to enter a new password.
Enter your new password into both boxes, and click change.
That’s it! You can now go back and log in with your new password.
Resetting the password for one of your practitioners (if you have admin access) :
If you need to reset a practitioner’s password, you will need administrative privileges. If you are not an admin, you will need to get someone who is to do this for you.
First, go to Website Control >> User Accounts
Click the pencil icon beside the user account you wish to change.
Note: Check that the e-mail address they have entered here is the one you want the reset code sent to. If you prefer to do the reset yourself, or if their e-mail is incorrect, you will want to click on edit to update that first.
Once you have verified you have the correct e-mail, click on the “Reset Password” button.
An e-mail with a link and a code to go and reset the password for that account will be sent to the e-mail address on their user account.
Once the user enters the code, they will be prompted to enter a new password. They will need to enter the new password into both boxes on the page, and click change.
That’s it! They can now go and login with the new password.