This tutorial is a part of Editing User Accounts, please click here
if you would like to start at the beginning."
Setting Buffer Time Between Appointments
To give yourself time to prepare between each appointment, you can set a buffer time that will be added automatically at the time of booking to the end of your appointment. To begin make sure you are in Website Control > User accounts and have clicked on the pencil icon for your account.
The buffer time on previously booked appointments will not change when you alter this setting.

To change your buffer time setting, begin bv navigating to Website Control > User accounts and have clicked on the pencil icon for your account if you are not already there. (If needed you can begin by reading our tutorial on Editing User Accounts by clicking here)
Next, navigate to the "hours" tab.
Buffer time: The buffer time drop down menu can be used to set a buffer time that will be placed at the end of your appointments.
Type into the appropriate boxes, and click the Save button when finished.
To continue customizing your User Account, click here to return to the User Account Settings Tutorial