Adding & Managing Form Templates

Managing Form Templates

Your practice management system includes a variety of forms that can be activated from the Form Library, and even made available online for patients to fill out electronically prior to their appointment.

To include a new form in your patient history area and/or your online intake form page, follow these steps.

NOTE: COVID-19 intake forms are NOT loaded by default. You must follow the steps below to load these forms in order to use them.

First, navigate to Website Control > Form Library


Next click on “Add New" to select a new form to add to your library.

In the resulting pop-up, you will see a copy of whatever form is at the top of your list. You must select “Load Defaults” to choose from the list of forms. 

Note: All forms will display with some merge fields or code in the preview. Just ignore this and proceed through the steps. You can preview the actual form properly from the Patient > Records area when finished.

Then, from the “default forms” list select the form you wish to add.


Once you have the form selected, click “Save As”


The form will now be present in your forms list. To activate a form, simply click the button that says “inactive” to switch to active. This will add it to the available forms in the Patient > Records area on the “History Forms” tab.


To include a form in the online portal sent to patients when booking an appointment, simply check the box in the “public” column to mark it as a public form.